Metaverse Updates

The metaverse represents three-dimensional virtual worlds in which humans and things interact virtually. In the metaverse, avatars represent humans and experience life in ways they could not in the physical world. Also, mixed reality headsets are required to explore the metaverse. Here, we share the latest news and publications on mixed reality (augmented reality, virtual reality), digital twin, web 3.0, and blockchain, which play irreplaceable roles in the metaverse.


Machine Learning for 6G network

AI for 6G networks: Latest News and Publications

Date: September 14, 2024: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for Wireless Systems

Image from article: Artificial general intelligence (AGI)-native wireless systems[1]

In this insightful article[1], Walid Saad et al. discuss the concept of AI-native wireless systems, proposing their evolution into artificial general intelligence (AGI)-native systems by equipping them with common sense. The authors emphasize that AGI-native wireless systems develop common sense by leveraging various cognitive abilities such as perception, analogy, and reasoning, which allow them to generalize effectively and handle unforeseen situations. The proposed AGI-native wireless system is built around three core components: a perception module, a world model, and an action-planning unit. Together, these components enable four key aspects of common sense: handling unforeseen scenarios through horizontal generalization, understanding intuitive physics, performing analogical reasoning, and filling in missing information.

[1] Saad W, Hashash O, Thomas CK, Chaccour C, Debbah M, Mandayam N, Han Z. Artificial general intelligence (AGI)-native wireless systems: A journey beyond 6G. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.02336. 2024 Apr 29.

Date: September 7, 2024: 6G and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

According to Huawei's article, the main platform for 6G services and applications will transition from mobile internet and smartphone apps to AI agents across various sectors. This shift means that AI will act as the key enabler for 6G. In the article, Huawei discussed the role of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in networking, along with various types of AI agent-powered 6G communications, such as machine-to-machine intent-driven communication and human-to-machine ultra-reliable low-latency communication.

Date: August 20, 2024: AI for 6G networks, key publications from the literature

  1. Ali S, Saad W, Rajatheva N, Chang K, Steinbach D, Sliwa B, Wietfeld C, Mei K, Shiri H, Zepernick HJ, Chu TM. 6G white paper on machine learning in wireless communication networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.13875. 2020 Apr 28.
  2. Kato N, Mao B, Tang F, Kawamoto Y, Liu J. Ten challenges in advancing machine learning technologies toward 6G. IEEE Wireless Communications. 2020 Apr 8;27(3):96-103.

6G network and its update


Latest News and Publications for 6G Networks

Date: September 29, 2024: High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS), the Future of 6G Networks with Stratospheric Connectivity

In a major development for wireless communication, the High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS), positioned in the stratosphere at altitudes ranging from 20 to 50 kilometers, is emerging as a game-changer for future connectivity.

HAPS technology has been attracting considerable attention in recent years, thanks to its vast coverage area, direct line-of-sight communication links, and fixed position relative to the Earth. Unlike traditional terrestrial base stations, HAPS offers a much larger footprint, reaching areas that were previously difficult to connect. Its unique position closer to the ground than satellites enables it to provide reliable, high-quality coverage to users over a wide expanse.

What sets HAPS apart is its ability to operate alongside existing networks. In addition to supporting smaller networks like small-cells and macro-cells, HAPS introduces a concept known as a "mega-cell," significantly expanding the potential reach of wireless communication. This makes it an ideal candidate for complementing existing networks, particularly as we move toward the rollout of 6G and beyond.

Experts in the field are exploring various potential use cases for HAPS in [1]. As research and development continue, HAPS is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of wireless communication, offering a glimpse into a world where even the most remote corners of the globe can stay connected.

Image from [1]

[1]. Abbasi O, Yadav A, Yanikomeroglu H, Dao ND, Senarath G, Zhu P. HAPS for 6G networks: Potential use cases, open challenges, and possible solutions. IEEE Wireless Communications. 2024 Jan 31.

Date: August 20, 2024: Key publications from the literature for 6G networks

  1. Jiang, Wei, et al. "The road towards 6G: A comprehensive survey.IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2 (2021): 334-366.
  2. Uusitalo, Mikko A., et al. "6G vision, value, use cases and technologies from European 6G flagship project Hexa-X." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 160004-160020.
  3. Matinmikko-Blue, M., et al. "White paper on 6G drivers and the UN SDGs. 6G Research Visions 2.University of Oulu, Finland (2020).

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